Nippers information
Webby and Crew will be in touch when Pool swims and signup days will commence. Updates will also be posted on our Facebook page. Registrations or via the member's portal Memberships for this season have been reduced due to a one-off Grant from SLSNSW - "Cost of Living Member Support Package" These fees are due before any competition or patrols Active and Award Members = $25 Associates/Nipper Parents = $20 Nippers = $50 All fees have been adjusted on your members portal. Returning members can start renewing their memberships for the season. Please be advised that we are not accepting Active Kids Vouchers online within Portal. nippers caps $15 (each nipper family must have at least one associate member) Membership can still be paid online via your members portal, fees this year will pre-populate. Click here for 2024/25 Calendar Nipper Proficiencies:- This is for the safety of your child to ensure the correct support is provided to them in the water. Members Portal - Online Registrations and Re-Registrations Click here!! https://portal.sls.com.au/wps/portal/member/!ut/p/b0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNXEL9vL3dDQ3czVycDTxd3YwDPNxDjA2CzfQLsh0VAWuJgG4!/ |